what is the cause of stress and anxiety, how do stress and anxiety harm you and how to overcome it

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

stress and anxiety : Pressures we feel in life

Sometimes in our life, there are many things that happen to depress us. It might be stress and anxiety. Stress comes from the pressures we feel in life, like we are being pushed by our boss or any other task that have deadline. This puts undue pressure on our minds and body, adrenaline in our body is released, extended stay of the hormone causes depression, blood pressure increase and other negative changes and effects. Another one of them is anxiety. With anxiety, fear overcomes all emotions accompanied by worry and apprehension. Other than that, there are symptoms such as chest pains, dizziness, and shortness of breath and panic attacks.

On top of that, anxiety is a technical term for worry and it comes in many forms from feeling fearful something terrible or frighten things is going to happen, fear of not to leave the house.

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